
March 1, 2008

Dr. Brook Ziporyn's lecture - What Is Buddha-Nature?

"What Is Buddha-Nature?" 「仏性とは何か?」
Saturday evening, March 1, 2008

Partial video, 45mins

Audio, 67 mins, download mp3

Short summary:
According to Mahayana Buddhism - All sentient beings have Buddha-nature

Dr. Ziporyn offered 5 interpretations of Buddha-Nature, from shallow to profoud:

#1. There is POTENTIAL of Buddha within you.

#2. There is assurance that you will IN FACT become Buddhas.
All beings are bodhisattvas who will succeed sooner of later.

#3. There is PRE-EXISTING Buddha-nature hiden within you.
It is not something that has to be developed.

"The Mirror and its Images" or "Wetness and Waves"

An aspect, always whole and complete, of all experience, rather than a part hidden inside or beneath experience.

Buddhahood=pure AWARENESS.

Buddha-nature is the awareness that is always already present in any experience, like wetness in every wave, or light in every visual image in the mirror.
Not "obstructed" by particular objects, but manifested by them.
But we are attached to the particular objects, rather than the fact of awareness, of manifestation itself.

#4. All beings ARE the Buddha-nature.
The entirety of what you are is Buddha-nature.

Buddha as the melody, poem, center, whole, Or: the composer.
You as the note, word, periphery, part, Or: the listener.

Context is everything
"Emptiness" means here the fact of being interconnected, of getting its identity from contextualization and relation.

Not just part of you, but all your thoughts and actions are always already part of the life of the Buddha, but you were not aware of the larger contextualization.

Deluded sentient beings, whatever you are doing right now, is PART of the total career of Buddhahood, the total being of a Buddha, what makes a Buddha a Buddha.

#5. You are Buddha - the melody, the whole, precisely by being only the note.

You are both.
If all the notes were present, there would be no melody.
And yet, only if all the notes are present is there melody.
It HAS to be one part to be the whole.

Metaphor: You, the single note as the entire melody. 

The music needs the listener.
When you hear the music, you are also the music.
You make that music. Your "music nature" manifests.

From the Lotus sutra:
Only between a Buddha TOGETHER with a Buddha is the ultimate reality of all things known.